Top Crown Veterinary Heartworm Disease in Pets

Heartworm Disease in Pets

Heartworm disease, which is a problem for cats, dogs, and even other pets and is severe. The heartworm parasite infects your pet’s body by biting a mosquito that is carrying the disease. Your pet is the permanent host for the parasite after being bit by a mosquito infected.

If mosquitoes bite an animal suffering from heartworms, the can be treated disease is triggered. Heartworms are found within the heart of the animal suffering from the disease, and lungs and blood vessels are what gives them their name. Heartworm disease is often afflicted by cats, dogs, ferrets, and cats as household pets.

Your dog’s symptoms will differ according to where the heartworm is at in its development. Be aware that these symptoms could be a sign of other illnesses.

Heartworm Disease in Pets

Heartworm infections are a severe and rapidly developing disease. The faster the disease is identified, the greater chance that the animal will be able to recover. If a cat or dog is suffering from heartworms, there are only a few signs of the disease, which is why it’s essential to look for the signs of heartworms with a test conducted by a vet.


The symptoms of heartworm disease include coughing, breathing problems, fatigue, weight loss, and an increased belly. But, these signs aren’t evident unless the condition is severely advanced or your dog suffers from critical health. Heartworm disease does not have any warning signs or symptoms in the beginning.

Each stage of heartworm disease progresses, increasing the severity of treatment. This is one primary reason early detection is crucial for your dog’s recovery and capacity. Visit a veterinary clinic like WellPet Humane for more information.


The status of your pet’s illness can be identified with a simple blood test. Cats are tough to discover; therefore, it is always the best option. The most effective method of ensuring your pet’s overall health is to ensure they are on regular heartworm treatments and to schedule regular visits with your veterinarian.

Your vet will check for Heartworm antigens in your pet’s blood to determine if they suffer from the disease. After about five months, after an infected mosquito bites your pet, heartworm antigens could be detected for the first time.


The first thing is that the treatment for heartworms and prevention differ significantly. Heartworm disease can be prevented, and treatment is simple and efficient. Animals who are already sick because they have contracted the disease can be treated with alternative therapies.

Treatment for heartworm disease can harm your pet’s body and lead to serious health problems. Treatment for heartworms is expensive and involves numerous appointments with a vet, blood tests, x-rays, hospitalization, and injections. Most patients who receive their first treatment for heartworms are admitted to the hospital for an adulticide, a medication that kills adult heartworms. Consult your veterinarian about veterinary internal medicine.


Heartworm is a disease that can be prevented. Make an appointment as soon as possible in case your pet isn’t currently taking a heartworm preventive medication that your vet has prescribed. If prevention is this easy, having your pet exposed to heartworm infection is unnecessary.

Maintaining your pet’s preventative medication is the most effective method to avoid heartworm disease. If your dog is already taking preventive heartworm medications, it is recommended to have them undergo every year a heartworm examination.

The price of prevention for heartworms is much less than the cost of treatment of the disease. Hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms are preventable using specific heartworm-prevention drugs. Click here to get more details.